How to Query the MM2 SQLite Database
The Komodo DeFi Framework API stores historical information such as swaps and orders within an SQLite database, located under the DB user data folder with each wallet having its own subfolder represented by a hexidecimal string.
This string is shown in the runtime logs of the kdf
binary as Public key hash
when it starts up.
30 08:39:23, mm2:269] AtomicDEX API 2.1.0-beta_a81f2a101 DT 2024-07-26T23:24:52+03:00
30 08:39:23, mm2_main::mm2::lp_native_dex:500] INFO Version: 2.1.0-beta_a81f2a101 DT 2024-07-26T23:24:52+03:00
30 08:39:23, crypto::crypto_ctx:324] INFO Public key hash: 7d6cbdd91788df3b764247721fe12853ce36b03d
The default location of this folder for each operating system is:
- Linux: $HOME/.kdf/DB/{'{wallet identifying hex string}'}/MM2.db'
- MacOS: $HOME/.kdf/DB/{'{wallet identifying hex string}'}/MM2.db'
- Windows: %APPDATA%\kdf\DB\{'{wallet identifying hex string}'}\MM2.db'
You can define a different location for the DB folder via the dbdir
configuration parameter in your MM2.json file.
There is also a sqlite database named KOMODEFI.db
which can be queried for information related to NFTs.
There are a variety of methods to query sqlite databases. Examples below show how to do a sqlite query in Linux terminal, but first you might need to install sqlite with sudo apt install sqlite3
The tables and columns available to query in MM2.db are as follows:
This table keeps a record of all swaps successfully performed in this pubkey's MM2.db
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | my_coin | VARCHAR(255) | Coin sent |
2 | other_coin | VARCHAR(255) | Coin received |
3 | uuid | VARCHAR(255) | Swap UUID |
4 | started_at | INTEGER | Timestamp |
sqlite3 ${PATH_TO_MM2_DB_FILE} "SELECT * FROM my_swaps WHERE id=2 LIMIT 1"
This table keeps a detailed record of all swaps performed (including failed) in this pubkey's MM2.db
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary key |
1 | maker_coin | VARCHAR(255) | Maker coin |
2 | taker_coin | VARCHAR(255) | Taker coin |
3 | uuid | VARCHAR(255) | Swap UUID |
4 | started_at | INTEGER | Timestamp |
5 | finished_at | INTEGER | Timestamp |
6 | maker_amount | DECIMAL | Maker coin |
7 | taker_amount | DECIMAL | Taker coin |
8 | is_success | INTEGER | 1 for successful, 0 for failed |
9 | maker_coin_ticker | VARCHAR(255) | Maker coin ticker |
10 | maker_coin_platform | VARCHAR(255) | Maker coin platform |
11 | taker_coin_ticker | VARCHAR(255) | Taker coin ticker |
12 | taker_coin_platform | VARCHAR(255) | Taker coin platform |
13 | maker_coin_usd_price | DECIMAL | USD price of maker coin at the time of the swap |
14 | taker_coin_usd_price | DECIMAL | USD price of taker coin at the time of the swap |
15 | taker_pubkey | DECIMAL | Taker pubkey |
16 | maker_pubkey | DECIMAL | Maker pubkey |
17 | maker_gui | VARCHAR(255) | Maker application |
18 | taker_gui | VARCHAR(255) | Taker application |
19 | maker_version | VARCHAR(255) | Maker KDF binary version |
20 | taker_version | VARCHAR(255) | Taker KDF binary version |
sqlite3 ${PATH_TO_MM2_DB_FILE} "SELECT * FROM stats_swaps WHERE taker_coin = 'DOGE' and maker_coin = 'DGB' ORDER BY finished_at DESC LIMIT 1;"
8|DGB|DOGE|c9515636-f5a4-4767-a0af-c69e59086899|1678815183|1678815631|200|28|1|DGB||DOGE||0.0108|0.07673|02d8064eece4fa5c0f8dc0267f68cee9bdd527f9e88f3594a323428718c391ecc2|03a93f666b9030958f282edd2904f0a33278c0c676ae132d2094840fe722f011c3|mm2_777|web_dex web|2.1.0-beta_c5e0e00|2.1.0-beta_af571608c
This table keeps a detailed record of all orders placed in this pubkey's MM2.db
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | uuid | VARCHAR(255) | Order UUID |
2 | type | VARCHAR(255) | Order Type |
3 | initial_action | VARCHAR(255) | Buy or Sell . Setprice maker orders are Sell |
4 | base | VARCHAR(255) | Base Coin |
5 | rel | VARCHAR(255) | Rel Coin |
6 | price | DECIMAL | Order Price |
7 | volume | DECIMAL | Order Volume |
8 | created_at | INTEGER | Timestamp |
9 | last_updated | INTEGER | Timestamp |
10 | was_taker | INTEGER | 1 if taker, 2 if maker |
11 | status | VARCHAR(255) | Order status |
sqlite3 ${PATH_TO_MM2_DB_FILE} "SELECT * FROM my_orders WHERE base = 'DOC' and rel= 'MARTY' LIMIT 6"
This table stores a record of all nodes added for stats collection in this pubkey's MM2.db
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | name | VARCHAR(255) | Node name |
2 | address | VARCHAR(255) | Node IP |
3 | peer_id | VARCHAR(255) | Node PeerID |
sqlite3 ${PATH_TO_MM2_DB_FILE} "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE name = 'dragonhound_DEV'"
This table stores a record of results returned by registered nodes tracked for node stats collection in this pubkey's MM2.db
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | name | VARCHAR(255) | Node name |
2 | version | VARCHAR(255) | Node Komodo DeFi Framework API (kdf) version |
3 | timestamp | INTEGER | Timestamp |
4 | error | VARCHAR(255) | Error details |
sqlite3 ${PATH_TO_MM2_DB_FILE} "SELECT * FROM stats_nodes WHERE name = 'dragonhound_DEV'" LIMIT 3
70692|dragonhound_DEV||1640271615|Error on request the peer PeerId("12D3KooWEnrvbqvtTowYMR8FnBeKtryTj9RcXGx8EPpFZHou2ruP"): "Canceled". Request next peer
Additional tables are created for each coin to store supplementary details such as block headers and transaction history. Using KMD as an example, these tables are listed below:
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | internal_id | VARCHAR(255) | A hex string, representative of the address |
2 | address | VARCHAR(255) | The coin's wallet address |
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | tx_hash | VARCHAR(255) | A transaction hash |
1 | tx_hex | VARCHAR(255) | Raw hex for transaction |
ID | Name | Type | Description |
0 | id | INTEGER | Primary Key |
1 | tx_hash | VARCHAR(255) | A transaction hash |
2 | internal_id | VARCHAR(255) | A hex string, representative of the transaction |
3 | block_height | INTEGER | Block height of transaction |
4 | confirmation_status | BOOLEAN | True if transaction has completed, False if it is pending |
5 | token_id | INTEGER | Number representing the coin type |
6 | details_json | VARCHAR(255) | Transaction details in JSON format |